Sunday, June 19, 2011

Excavating a modern society

This is based on the assumption, that one day our consumerist-oil-based culture will eventually collapse and end.

Is your life important? Is it meaningful? Or is our society and our culture; and the way we live, the most important? When you as an individual are gone, your society is what is left behind. Your societies culture, its way of life, and its “footprints” will be left for the next generations and the next society.

What will be left of the current modern society that we are living? Will we be traceable? The ancient civilizations carved writings and stories in stones and painted inside pyramids protected from the outside elements. We preserved our kings and built giant tombs for them. We hid our treasures and other memories that we felt dear to us.

Presently, I feel that the society and culture that we live is biodegradable. There’s not much that would be left for the centuries to come. We have built a superficial and consumerist culture…which inevitably will biodegrade. Our day to day life revolves around throwing things in the trash. We use paper for our coffee on the go, and throw it in the trash knowing that it will eventually decompose. We also write everything culture based on paper and in books. We live and breathe a “throw away” culture. Almost everything we buy ends up in the trash.

So you have to ask yourself, when our society depletes and finally collapses what will be left? What special impact will we leave for the generations to come? Will we be a sad lesson learned or be left in the dirt unnoticed? Fast forward 5000 years from now to year 7011 (keep in mind the ancient Egyptian society we dug up is just over 4000 years old). A future, highly evolved and intelligent civilization finds remains of our previous extinct society and starts excavating. How exciting!

What will these future archaeologist dig up? There will be no paper, no books, no photos, no CDs, no DVDs, no music, no electronics, no TVs. But there will be plastic bottles, glass bottles, Styrofoam and remains of our buildings. They will have no evidence of the Lady Gagas and Madonna’s of the world. They won’t know about Tivo or the newest form of Apple technology. All technology will be irrelevant or so decomposed it won’t be useable. (Who’s to say that the Egyptian’s didn’t have IPods?) What story will this tell for them?

So will they find these bottles and cups and think that we were rationing our food and water to preserve ourselves? Will they think we were intelligent for doing this? I believe yes, they would think that we were a smart society that was rationing its resources, until they uncover trillions upon trillions of cups and bottles. Over 25 billion Styrofoam cups are thrown into the trash every year. And over 50 billion glass bottles are thrown into landfills every year. Styrofoam never decomposes and glass takes 1000’s of years.

So they may think…why all this excess stuff? There is no way that the earth could sustain trillions and trillions of people…so why did this society have enough products to assume that it could? Why was this extinct civilization using things (and throwing them away) that would outlive their actual culture or society?

Next they dig up buildings like the CN Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Chrysler Building, arenas and other big stadiums. Will they be impressed by our architecture or feel that we were phallic and yonic obsessed? Many skyscrapers and buildings resembling phallic parts and stadiums that open and close in a yonic way. Will they assume that we were a sex driven over indulgent culture? Would they be wrong?

Examine your life and try to find something that will still be here in 5000 years.
I am not saying to go run around and carve your life story into a rock so it lasts for centuries to come; but I am asking to analyze the current biodegradable consumerist culture and realize that one day it will all be gone without a trace (other than the mass amounts of garbage left over). How does it make you feel?

Monday, June 6, 2011

The well oiled machine

Your mind is incredibly powerful. Like you didn’t know that right? The understatement of our existence.

All of us have no idea how powerful it is or the potential it holds. On a daily basis we are unaware how constant our minds are actually working. This theory in itself is unlimited in what could be discussed and what I could dive into (based on my non educated mind), so I will try to explain what I think about our minds as simply and metaphorically as I can. I am sure that there are scientific explanations and all that other elite-ness.

Break your mind down into your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
Your conscious mind, or what I call, your “now mind” is the easiest one for us to understand. Your conscious mind is made up of thoughts that require a yes or no answer right away. Am I hungry? Yes. Do I need to use the washroom? No….close the door when you go into the bathroom type thing. This conscious mind is working at the forefront of your everyday activities. You are guiding this state of mind throughout your day but on a very minimal and habitual level.

Your subconscious mind is the scary and more difficult one. The “behind the scenes mind” that you know is running but don’t always pay attention to. Like a car engine. You know its running but you can’t see everything that it’s doing. Your subconscious mind holds more power than your conscious mind and it is more difficult to alter or take control of. With saying this, your subconscious mind is the one that ends up controlling your life. It can be on a fast track to nowhere if you don’t tune it up.

There are billions of synapses going off in our mind every second (without us having any control) and these synapses are reacting with billions of other synapses. We need to accept the fact that we have very little control over all of these possible possibilities and interactions. Our brains synapses in totality have potential to all react with each other. Hence MANY possibilities.

This is why I know, understand, and believe that everyone can be different and is different, and it’s natural. (Mental Illness, disliking mushrooms, being gay, liking Jazz etc.; can all be based on chemical interactions within your brain).
Like an engine in a car, your subconscious mind needs to be maintained and kept on track. As you cannot control EVERYTHING that the actual motor (subconscious) is doing, you can however take it a part clean it, fix it, and put it back together so you know its running smoothly. Basically I am trying to say is be conscious of your subconscious thoughts. Confusing? Yes, no?

After you have whipped your brain into shape your subconscious will eventually take over and continue to run such as a car engine under the hood.

You have to be ultra-conscious or “in the now” or “present” to alter or change the path of your subconscious mind. What this means is when you feel present and work on changing things in your life they eventually become “habit” or part of your subconscious mind. This is why being depressed or thinking negatively can push your subconscious off course. When you think negatively for a long period of time, you train your subconscious mind to continue this route. All of a sudden everything around you sucks, is negative, or flat out doesn't go your way. You are attracting this towards you through your subconscious. This is what I believe "The Secret' was trying to teach people; but failed to describe in full.

Although it’s a pretty standard concept that "thoughts become things" it’s more than just thinking about something. It’s based on your conscious mind working together with physical actions to create your subconscious pattern. This is what I believe the secret missed.

There is nothing more mentally liberating then thinking about doing something and then just doing it. Just decide to do something. Anything. Big, small, ANYTHING. And do it. Example: Making conversation with more people a day (elevator, grocery store etc), complimenting people when you think “wow that jacket is great”, quitting smoking, organizing, cleaning, etc. Then grow bigger and bigger.

You can control your mind. It listens to you, but has to get into a repetition or a habitual state. Once you have trained it enough consciously, it will transfer into your more powerful subconscious mind that guides you towards your goals. Think of the motor, as long as it’s running smoothly you are going to get where you want to go.

The reigns and controls to grasp this theory are right in front of you, and I know you can feel them as well as see them. Try grabbing it, try consciously controlling your brain collectively with physical actions and see what happens.