Post Traumatic Stress is caused by either experiencing or being victim to a traumatic event. Every person in the world has a level of this disabling disorder. Yes, some by unfortunate events that occur natural in life, but others have been deliberately enforced on our society. Those suffering from post traumatic stress live in a semi to severe state of panic. They feel detached from every day life and constantly feel that danger or disaster is nearby, an inability to concentrate, extreme irritability, or even violent behavior. When a traumatic event unfolds, our body and mind is thrown into an extreme version of "Flight or Fight" mixed with an obscene amount of hormones and chemicals that our body naturally omits. After the event, you are left feeling angry, tired, irritable and/or depressed.
One of the most current and critical moments in our Post Traumatic Society's existence, was September 11th, 2001. On a basic level we can all agree that the facts of this day do not add up. There are numerous conspiracies and publications in regards to it and I recommend reviewing them for yourself.
Almost every person knows exactly where they were and what they were doing when this event unfolded. It was incredibly traumatizing and damaging to our society to watch this event unfold live on TV.
Throughout history we have continually been lied to by our governments, corporations, and other entities such as the media. After decades of confirmed deceit and corruption we still, on some level, trust those in power. You can label me as a fly in the sky or out to lunch, but I believe that no matter how simple or extreme the circumstance is, when someone above you in power and with money dictates what to think...we should instantly poke around the topic ourselves.
Very few people will disagree with the fact that our government and important members of our culture are frolicking hand in hand together with corporations. After all, who really has the power? A company such as Apple that has more money than the United States, or the United States? I digress.
I can't tell you what to believe(after all I am not a corporation) but a lie is a lie, no matter what context it is in.
We are more likely to believe lies that are told to us in a post traumatic and vulnerable state. In order to complete clandestine and corrupt agendas, we are constantly traumatized and distracted.
Enjoy these anecdotes and blatant corporate lies.

When have you ever seen a McDonald's Hamburger look like this?
This visual of a Big Mac is plastered all over advertising campaigns.
When or if you ever go to McDonalds, you will be very disappointed.

How many skin products advertise with photos similar to this? First of all, when have you EVER seen someone with skin like this?
Second of all, they are subliminally telling you that if you buy their product, you will have skin like this Photoshopped model.
Only to be disappointed time after time. If it were TRUE wouldn't we all have flawless, even, impossibly smooth skin?

"Fat-Free" Candy.
Yes it has no fat.
Yes, it is still full of sugar.
The leading cause of obesity and other health problems in the western world?
Pomegranate and Blueberry juice by Minute Maid.
Actually consists of less than 1% pomegranate and blueberry juice and mostly apple juice concentrate.

Nike busted in 2001 for child labour.
"Nike admitted that they "blew it" by employing children in Third World countries but that ending the practice might be difficult."
Nike has more money than the United States Government and continues to use child labour.

Meat Scandal.
"Beef" labeled as something completely different.
Its not that horse meat is bad per say, but that we can blatantly be lied to about something as important as what is IN our food.

September 11th, 2001. Two 110 story buildings collapse in a planned demolition. Later to be blamed on Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to invade the oil rich middle east.
Interesting tip, on the same day, an Operation being exercised by the United States Military "Vigilant Guardian" was in place at the exact same time as the attack. Why is this interesting? Vigilant Guardian was an exercise being conducted on how to handle a hijacked plane.

A war on terror resumed. We were told we must go to war with Afghanistan to fight terrorists.
Somehow we also ended up in Iraq. We were convinced by George W. Bush that this was just, and we were assured that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. We were in fear and shock from the traumatic event that just unfolded and wanted justice. We were lied to and used in order to control overseas oil interests.

The London Bombings.
A “scenario” of multiple bomb attacks on London’s underground took place at exactly the same time as the bomb attack on July 7, 2005.
Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in an interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client.

December 14th, 2012. Sandy Hook School Shootings.
All I will say, is go to this Government of Connecticut link:
What do you accept as corporate truths?
How much longer should we believe the lies?