Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coca Cola

***I am going to focus on Coca Cola because it is the most popular. But this goes for all carbonated soda drinks***

Carbonated soft drinks have dominated the junk food world. We all understand, agree, and know that pop is bad for us. Its common knowledge that 90% of the ingredients in soda are artificial and genetically modified. Then add the sugar factor and it is literally liquid poison.

(I wont even get into the irony that when Coca Cola was first established, one of the ingredients was cocaine)

So how do we make a society addicted to this corporate poison? Caffeine and an almost instant sugar rush is how. But how do you get a society to drink this poison without them noticing just how bad it is? Carbon dioxide.

Next time you drink a Coke or a soda, actually feel what it feels like. The carbon dioxide and bubbles numb your mouth and your throat so that you can swallow the pop. It numbs your throat so that you can swallow this liquid poison.

After all, when pop goes "flat" it tastes horrible and is liquid sugar syrup.

Nobody says "I love flat soda!"

And, don't even get me started on how much water we use to manufacturer this poison.

I digress.


  1. I like flat cola :D . liquid poison is great !

  2. lol I like ginger ail. Does that count? Coke is gross, though. You can feel it erroding your teath when you drink it. :P
