Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Stigma of a UFO

The truth is out there. No not in space or on another alien planet…but right here on our very own. The ignorant disregards, the skeptic questions, and the intelligent accept.

When you say UFO the first thing people will think about is an alien aircraft or some story about a crazy Texan with a heavy accent explaining that he “done saw somtin he can’t explain.” The media and governments of the world have brainwashed us to disregard these stories as “crazy people” or liberal propaganda. How many times have you seen Alien abduction stories or alien spacecraft on the front of the National Inquirer? (One of the most famous magazines that write fictitious stories). The government has done a mighty fine job at dissolving peoples experiences. It’s been so run down that if someone does see a UFO I guarantee they only tell select people or nobody. If they do tell someone they are rubbed off as a crazy person who doesn’t accept the social truths that have been provided to us. The social control around UFO sightings has been successful. But why?

There is a stigma around saying you have seen a UFO… but remember people it’s only an unidentified flying object; nothing more nothing less. If you saw a model of a plane you have never seen before, and aren’t aware of its existence flying through the air…it’s a UFO. If you see lights in the sky that don’t resemble a plane or satellite it’s a UFO. If something flies onto a military’s radar that they don’t recognize it’s a UFO.

As I am a fond believer in Protagoras’s philosophies of “everything is possible” based on the idea that man is the measure of all things. Basically what’s right for someone can be wrong for another. One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. One man’s UFO sighting is another man’s ignorance.

I would like you to consider the fact that flying saucers have already been developed in our world. Prior to World War II the Nazi regime and other German intelligence agencies had successfully created flying saucers and other aircrafts that were far ahead of technology at that time. There are documents that support this fact and many scientists that are still alive that were part of this undercover plan.

Also consider the fact that when America got hint of this; it became an escalating factor leading up to World War II due to the fact that America wanted it for themselves. So what did they do? They kidnapped a majority of the scientist and technology and continued to attack Germany. The World Wars have so many levels of truth and reason (to be elaborated on later). Thus, this being one of them.

It’s been documented that aircrafts were created that could hover, fly vertical and horizontal, and reach supersonic speeds of 3000 miles per hour. Imagine what almost 100 years of additional technology has done to these super crafts.

So consider the “flying saucers” or UFO’s that people have seen, and consider that quite possibly it was an aircraft from our very own Government and nothing more.

Consider that these crafts are not urban legends and have historical proof that they have existed here for over 100 years.

Now question that if these UFO’s are actually our own domestic product…why does the media and government disregard them or make them to look like elaborate hoaxes? Why when these crafts are seen the governments public response is “We are looking into the matter” or it’s "still under investigation”. Wouldn’t it be easier to come out of the closet with it?

Consider the fact that it may not be our crafts. Consider the agenda behind Area 51. That till this day nobody knows what it’s used for or preparing us for.

Consider that UFO sightings are on an increase and more publicly documented.

Consider that the governments of the world are preparing for the “day of full disclosure” where they will be making all their UFO documentations public record in the year 2012.

If you haven’t guessed it, I have seen a UFO.

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