Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 and the year review

The end of time, the end of the human race, or the end of "life" as we know it.

Have you heard about 2012? Have you noticed it coming up in conversation more often than you are used to? Is that because something big is happening or because of the basic fact that next year is 2012 and it would be discussed more now than any other time in life.

You may believe that there is an asteroid heading to earth... after all, humans have always needed a "doom and gloom" story to keep us occupied.

You can believe that nothing is going to happen. How many "the earth is ending" theories do we have to encounter? Rapture this, Y2K that.

I would like to believe that 2012 will be an interesting year. But again most people like to think that about a new year. New beginnings; a new chance to take on the things that you never got around to do in the previous year. Its refreshing and motivating. A year to hopefully live regret-free.

I don't necessarily believe that the world will be ending in a big giant ball of fire, but I definitely believe that 2012 will be a changing year in society. I think of it as "somethings gotta give".

Everything has a "max" point. We have been taught this our whole lives. You can only eat so much before getting full, you can only use a car or a tv for so long etc. How more high tech can our gadgets get (unless we start talking about time travel)? How much more can we abuse the environment? How much debt can countries possibly go into? How many more "things" will we keep buying and throw in the trash?

I cannot envision positive growth in society without some major changes happening in our environmental, social, and political spectrum.

We have abused our world and the resources around it to an alarming degree. Food is becoming more scarce along with other natural resources, cost of living is increasing, debt is increasing, quality of life is decreasing, storms and natural disasters are ravishing the earth and global warming is moving fast forward. Wars , unrest around the world, and human degradation is happening all over. News is sent to our smartphones and is posted all over the internet, but we sit on Facebook. Call it skeptical if you must.

I look at our society and culture and feel that it is in a fragile stage. I feel we are at a point of extreme change and that is what I believe 2012 will hopefully be.

Predicting what will happen in 2012 is as foolish as predicting any event in any year. The fact is that we don't know what will happen and we could ask a million questions about it. But the important thing is that people do question things. Question everything. Think about possible possibilities to everything.

That has been the point of this blog since it started.

Whether you cared that there was a Silverback Gorilla that learned to walk on its 2 back legs, (this was my first blog about being globally aware of changes) or not, the point of my blogs have been to question things that I hear or things that I feel. They did not express my direct opinion but just possible points of view. The title "Convenient Theories of Society" is just that. Global theories are all circumstantial and convenient to those who create them. They stem from questions and will constantly be questioned.

This is why I feel it is so important to live in the now but at the same time question everything (I never grew out of that wretched childhood stage of asking "WHY?" to everything).

Without questions we would have no answers. Without questions and without conversation about global events our society will remain stagnant. Where would we be if all our previous generations never questioned why things were?

I questioned environmental factors, social and popular culture theories, government actions, and extra terrestrial possibilities. Funnily enough that is just the tip of the iceberg.

So the question remains, what other convenient theories out there need to be questioned?

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