Monday, February 6, 2012

A Smidgen of Religion...the telephone effect.

Murder, rape, prostitutes, slavery, human sacrifice, “immaculate conceptions”, rising from the grave, people that live for hundreds of years, a boat large enough to fit every single specie of animal in the entire world, food that falls from the sky, talking snakes, dragons, giants, parting seas and turning wine into water.

No, I am not talking about the newest epic blockbuster heading to a theater near you, I am talking about the Bible, or more specifically the christian bible.

This "may not be suitable for children" or Christians for that matter.

Its been said that you shouldn't discuss religion in casual conversation or in general public with the people in your life. I have always thought this to be off, but perhaps its because discussing religion with people who have different opinions about it raise too many unanswered questions and stem some doubt for those who believe.

I myself come from the church of “be nice to people” and “accept everyone for who they are” so I find it confusing when people cannot express opinions about a topic that is controversial or different then someone's point of view without retribution. I don’t understand the frustration that comes with someone else having a different mindset or idea than yours. Is it really that horrible of a thing?

The Christian Religion in general is based around an all mighty, all loving, and all caring “being” or “entity”. Does this sound like characteristics of modern day Christians? I digress. Christianity is largely based upon a man (Jesus Christ son of God) who was such a caring individual and loving soul that he died on a cross for everyone…all sinners…and all people that have done wrong. Sadly, again, I do not think of Christians when I hear this.

Discrimination, tension, stress, evil doing, disagreements, and most importantly wars… are usually based around a religious (Christian) reasoning. How many Christians would die on a cross for their most hated enemy?

Moving forward, the point of all this isn't just the fact that Christians are the blatant and definitive definition of hypocrisy, but the fact that such a large factor in modern western life is based around something that is so incredibly old, outdated, and hypocritical itself.

I find it interesting that religion is the only thing that we try to apply to our life that is incredibly outdated. We don’t try to live our lives with horse and buggy and we certainly prefer writing on our laptops instead of by pen and parchment by a candle. We have evolved into a different human race and society then we were thousands of years ago. It is strange to me that with all our changes and advancements in culture and society we still try to live by a book that was “written” so far in the past.

Try using a manual from an Apple-1 to troubleshoot your brand new Macbook pro. Sure some things may possibly be vaguely relevant, but in the long run it just doesn’t make sense and will not apply. Everything has evolved except for how we look at religion.

Also take into consideration the amount of "versions" and "translations" there are of the Bible. You cannot tell me that you trust man, the most untrustworthy thing in existence, to honestly and correctly translate this important piece of literature word for word over thousands of years? (Keep in mind the bible states that man cannot be trusted). Can you imagine playing a game of telephone for 60 centuries? Give me a break.

Rappers that sing about sex, drugs, whores, and other profanities love to thank God when they get an award at a ceremony. But a man loving another man is immoral and wrong and one of the worst damnations.

The bible speaks of talking serpents and dragons ascending from the sky, but most Christians will not accept the existence of dinosaurs.

The bible speaks of Jesus rising from the grave and a “holy spirit” impregnating Mary, but ghosts or spirits on earth is not possible or is considered evil.

"God is tired and rests" Ex 31:17..."God is never tired and never rests" Is 40:28 (there are HUNDREDS of these examples)

Adam and Eve produced Cain and Abel (2 SONS). What happened from there besides something incestuous. But remember "God did not make Adam and Steve"... Christians think Homosexuals are revolting and being gay is one of the worst sins. But not incest with your mother.

There seems to be an infinite amount of hypocrisy to be found in the Christian religion from the way Christians live to what they believe, to where they receive their information from.

I Imagine a world without all these Christian "rules" and faux beliefs to be a more accepting and nurturing one. I do not see the benefit of religion and cannot wait for the day when we finally find proof of another alien planet that completely nullifies any form of religion. It will happen, as I refuse to believe that a "God" has set out this life for us.

But I also believe that religion being the cockroach that it is, will eventually translate or interpret a new "MDV" bible. Modern Day version that will include the hidden translation of there being other planets.

Whether you believe or not, you have to accept the fact that Religion is only a theory based upon faith.

What version of the bible do you have now that is relevant for your life? What version do you have that is a convenient theory for you?

Convenient theories is what its all about.


  1. “Imagine a world in which generations of human beings come to believe that
    certain films were made by God or that specific software was coded by him.
    Imagine a future in which millions of our descendants murder each other
    over rival interpretations of Star Wars or Windows 98. Could anything --
    anything -- be more ridiculous? And yet, this would be no more ridiculous
    than the world we are living in. ”
    ― Sam Harris

  2. This is a 'Catholic'
    prayer for everyone
    which means 'Universal' -
    say the 2-3 minute prayer at
    6pm everyday:

    "And the angel of the Lord
    declared unto Mary and she
    conceived by the Holy Spirit..."
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be
    it done unto me according to Thy Word"
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "And the Word was made Flesh...
    and dwelt among us"
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "O God whose Only Begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of Eternal Life, grant we beseech Thee, that through mediatation upon this Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they offer and obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord. Amen"

    God Almighty has a plethora
    of rewards that await each of U.S.
    who proclaim this quaint message.

    trustNjesus, earthling.
    God bless your indelible soul.
    Yes, Im an NDE.
    Any questions?
