Saturday, December 31, 2011
2012 and the year review
The end of time, the end of the human race, or the end of "life" as we know it.
Have you heard about 2012? Have you noticed it coming up in conversation more often than you are used to? Is that because something big is happening or because of the basic fact that next year is 2012 and it would be discussed more now than any other time in life.
You may believe that there is an asteroid heading to earth... after all, humans have always needed a "doom and gloom" story to keep us occupied.
You can believe that nothing is going to happen. How many "the earth is ending" theories do we have to encounter? Rapture this, Y2K that.
I would like to believe that 2012 will be an interesting year. But again most people like to think that about a new year. New beginnings; a new chance to take on the things that you never got around to do in the previous year. Its refreshing and motivating. A year to hopefully live regret-free.
I don't necessarily believe that the world will be ending in a big giant ball of fire, but I definitely believe that 2012 will be a changing year in society. I think of it as "somethings gotta give".
Everything has a "max" point. We have been taught this our whole lives. You can only eat so much before getting full, you can only use a car or a tv for so long etc. How more high tech can our gadgets get (unless we start talking about time travel)? How much more can we abuse the environment? How much debt can countries possibly go into? How many more "things" will we keep buying and throw in the trash?
I cannot envision positive growth in society without some major changes happening in our environmental, social, and political spectrum.
We have abused our world and the resources around it to an alarming degree. Food is becoming more scarce along with other natural resources, cost of living is increasing, debt is increasing, quality of life is decreasing, storms and natural disasters are ravishing the earth and global warming is moving fast forward. Wars , unrest around the world, and human degradation is happening all over. News is sent to our smartphones and is posted all over the internet, but we sit on Facebook. Call it skeptical if you must.
I look at our society and culture and feel that it is in a fragile stage. I feel we are at a point of extreme change and that is what I believe 2012 will hopefully be.
Predicting what will happen in 2012 is as foolish as predicting any event in any year. The fact is that we don't know what will happen and we could ask a million questions about it. But the important thing is that people do question things. Question everything. Think about possible possibilities to everything.
That has been the point of this blog since it started.
Whether you cared that there was a Silverback Gorilla that learned to walk on its 2 back legs, (this was my first blog about being globally aware of changes) or not, the point of my blogs have been to question things that I hear or things that I feel. They did not express my direct opinion but just possible points of view. The title "Convenient Theories of Society" is just that. Global theories are all circumstantial and convenient to those who create them. They stem from questions and will constantly be questioned.
This is why I feel it is so important to live in the now but at the same time question everything (I never grew out of that wretched childhood stage of asking "WHY?" to everything).
Without questions we would have no answers. Without questions and without conversation about global events our society will remain stagnant. Where would we be if all our previous generations never questioned why things were?
I questioned environmental factors, social and popular culture theories, government actions, and extra terrestrial possibilities. Funnily enough that is just the tip of the iceberg.
So the question remains, what other convenient theories out there need to be questioned?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Calorie intake of Pop...Top 40
I believe that you can tell many things about a society or a culture based on the "popular music" that (it) listens to. This is to be taken with a grain of salt, but theoretically a societies state can be summed up by its pop culture or pop music. It is after all "popular" and influences or touches the majority.
Media and the music we listen to impacts and controls society in a very non conventional way. Repetition and subliminal messages invade your mind without you even knowing it. Perhaps you do notice it and don't care because of the cool tune or the interesting advertisement you see.
Without a doubt, we live in a society/culture that is very party, sex, and drug orientated. This culture is not "new" by any means (remember the days of sex, drugs and rock and roll). The difference I feel is how blatant and in your face it is nowadays. Now sex and drugs is no longer hidden in just rock and roll. It's on your mainstream radio, it's the most popular songs thrown up all over YouTube, and listened to by all ages.
I would like to use Lady Gaga's "Judas" song. I am not in any way religious; but still respect the people that are. I feel it is complete blasphemy and disgusting that the most popular artist currently in Pop Music has presented a song about loving Judas. Young minds and individuals look up to her as an icon and a role model for being different and not caring what other people think. I understand this and I am on board with the basics behind this movement. I am not, however, on board with complete popular garbage flooding the radios and minds of people. Not just Lady Gaga either.
How much does this actual influence us or society? Subliminally it effects us deeper than we will ever know. I take it as, we as a society have let it become socially acceptable (slowly) to have an artist sing a song about her loving one of the most famous betrayers of Jesus. I am trying to make this not a religious thing, because its not. Its a sad realization that we are moving towards a point where nothing will ever be considered sacred.
What would you say about a societies popular music culture based on:
It's so good being bad, there's no way I'm turning back. All pain is for pleasure. Sex in the air I don't care I love the smell of it. Chains and whips excite me.-Rihanna
I cant get enough, this is taking me now. Its taking me higher and higher off the ground. I do this just for tricks just for the thrill, how did I get this high without taking a pill?-Kylie Minogue
Dance the night away, live your life stay out on the floor. Grab somebody drink a little more. -Jennifer Lopez
Watch me move when I lose it hard. Get you off with a in the dark. Let me blow your mind tonight. Never felt like this before. Just dance until the world ends. -Britney Spears
To me it feels like the media and popular culture are distracting us from something by this over abundance of blatant and shocking pop culture. These songs and our current songs would not be popular 10, 20, 30 years ago. But in increments they have become our new popular culture.
This goes to prove that when popular culture changes are made stealthily in the background of our daily lives, society will eventually accept or condone anything. You decipher whether this is a bad thing or not.
Hit me baby one more time.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Eureka! I found... IKEA!
I have to say that I love IKEA for what it is. Cheap, easy, convenient crap. It is the McDonalds equivalent to the furniture world. You aren't going to go to McDonalds expecting a gourmet flame grilled quality burger; same goes with IKEA. Although I have to say IKEA food is better quality than Mcdonalds. I digress.
Modern Society in general is based on superficial things as a whole. I am not saying that the entire society lives to buy things, but most of us do and continue to feed our consumerist need.
Individuals in our modern society feel the need to shop...period. At the same time we also feel the need to be an individual. Expressing our individuality is liberating and feeds us a high. Hence, shopping for things for yourself or in general gives you that bit of shopping adrenaline rush. It is your hard earned money (or in most cases money that you don't even have) being spent on things to make your life better! It is the typical consumerist frame of mind.
I agree that IKEA has 100,000's of products and a never ending list of new products constantly coming out. But how many times have you walked into someones home and said " I love your lamp, I have the same one!" Same goes with carpets, tables, kitchen supplies, artwork and of course the twisted bamboo shoots.
You are heading home from IKEA with a trunk load of crap. You feel liberated that you bought all this great stuff for your home and it was so affordable. When you get home you open all your great stuff, throw out the "extra" cardboard, styrofoam, and plastic. You think "thank goodness there is so much styrofoam to protect my great furniture". You open your last box and find out that your item is damaged. Shitty.
You give IKEA Customer Service a call and boom...great service, friendly staff, and boom you have a new item and a new product shipped to you. They apologize for the inconvenience and advise you to dispose of the damaged product.
Now multiply this scenario by 100,000's of orders monthly.
I find it interesting that IKEA is the worlds largest furniture company, the worlds 3rd largest consumer of wood, and one of the top grossing companies in the world. Also the CEO is the richest man in the world. I find it interesting that a society as a whole that bases a large part of their existence on feeling like an individual and leaving their "footprint" has succumbed to this. We find it incredibly easy to go to IKEA, buy crappy furniture, throw out all the packaging, and never bother to worry how/where the product is made and IKEA's general global impact. We know they are providing us with cheap furniture, but do we actual know how destructive they are to the environment? What measures do they take to reduce waste etc?. Nobody thinks/cares about that. We buy disposable furniture without thinking about other issues involved with it. We used to have to save money to buy quality furniture but nobody has time for that now a days. We live in the " I want it now, I want it whether I can afford it or not, and I want it cheap" age.
They are the worlds 3rd LARGEST consumer of wood. The next 2 companies are home building companies...! So the top 2 companies that use the most wood to build homes, and we use IKEA to fill the house.
The environmental impact that IKEA has contributed for the negative must be extraordinary. Goes along the same lines of getting a coffee from Starbucks and throwing out the paper cup. Speaking of, next time you get a Starbucks look at the labels on it...everything it is made of is 100% recyclable...including the lid and cardboard sleeve...but go ahead throw it in the trash. I digress.
Individuals in society want to feel like they are an individual. Even when we clearly are not (like shopping at IKEA together). But it boils down to money and how affordable it is. I guess that everything comes with a price (a cheap price for that matter) even when it comes to our individuality and environmental destruction.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Excavating a modern society
This is based on the assumption, that one day our consumerist-oil-based culture will eventually collapse and end.
Is your life important? Is it meaningful? Or is our society and our culture; and the way we live, the most important? When you as an individual are gone, your society is what is left behind. Your societies culture, its way of life, and its “footprints” will be left for the next generations and the next society.
What will be left of the current modern society that we are living? Will we be traceable? The ancient civilizations carved writings and stories in stones and painted inside pyramids protected from the outside elements. We preserved our kings and built giant tombs for them. We hid our treasures and other memories that we felt dear to us.
Presently, I feel that the society and culture that we live is biodegradable. There’s not much that would be left for the centuries to come. We have built a superficial and consumerist culture…which inevitably will biodegrade. Our day to day life revolves around throwing things in the trash. We use paper for our coffee on the go, and throw it in the trash knowing that it will eventually decompose. We also write everything culture based on paper and in books. We live and breathe a “throw away” culture. Almost everything we buy ends up in the trash.
So you have to ask yourself, when our society depletes and finally collapses what will be left? What special impact will we leave for the generations to come? Will we be a sad lesson learned or be left in the dirt unnoticed? Fast forward 5000 years from now to year 7011 (keep in mind the ancient Egyptian society we dug up is just over 4000 years old). A future, highly evolved and intelligent civilization finds remains of our previous extinct society and starts excavating. How exciting!
What will these future archaeologist dig up? There will be no paper, no books, no photos, no CDs, no DVDs, no music, no electronics, no TVs. But there will be plastic bottles, glass bottles, Styrofoam and remains of our buildings. They will have no evidence of the Lady Gagas and Madonna’s of the world. They won’t know about Tivo or the newest form of Apple technology. All technology will be irrelevant or so decomposed it won’t be useable. (Who’s to say that the Egyptian’s didn’t have IPods?) What story will this tell for them?
So will they find these bottles and cups and think that we were rationing our food and water to preserve ourselves? Will they think we were intelligent for doing this? I believe yes, they would think that we were a smart society that was rationing its resources, until they uncover trillions upon trillions of cups and bottles. Over 25 billion Styrofoam cups are thrown into the trash every year. And over 50 billion glass bottles are thrown into landfills every year. Styrofoam never decomposes and glass takes 1000’s of years.
So they may think…why all this excess stuff? There is no way that the earth could sustain trillions and trillions of people…so why did this society have enough products to assume that it could? Why was this extinct civilization using things (and throwing them away) that would outlive their actual culture or society?
Next they dig up buildings like the CN Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Chrysler Building, arenas and other big stadiums. Will they be impressed by our architecture or feel that we were phallic and yonic obsessed? Many skyscrapers and buildings resembling phallic parts and stadiums that open and close in a yonic way. Will they assume that we were a sex driven over indulgent culture? Would they be wrong?
Examine your life and try to find something that will still be here in 5000 years.
I am not saying to go run around and carve your life story into a rock so it lasts for centuries to come; but I am asking to analyze the current biodegradable consumerist culture and realize that one day it will all be gone without a trace (other than the mass amounts of garbage left over). How does it make you feel?
Monday, June 6, 2011
The well oiled machine
Your mind is incredibly powerful. Like you didn’t know that right? The understatement of our existence.
All of us have no idea how powerful it is or the potential it holds. On a daily basis we are unaware how constant our minds are actually working. This theory in itself is unlimited in what could be discussed and what I could dive into (based on my non educated mind), so I will try to explain what I think about our minds as simply and metaphorically as I can. I am sure that there are scientific explanations and all that other elite-ness.
Break your mind down into your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
Your conscious mind, or what I call, your “now mind” is the easiest one for us to understand. Your conscious mind is made up of thoughts that require a yes or no answer right away. Am I hungry? Yes. Do I need to use the washroom? No….close the door when you go into the bathroom type thing. This conscious mind is working at the forefront of your everyday activities. You are guiding this state of mind throughout your day but on a very minimal and habitual level.
Your subconscious mind is the scary and more difficult one. The “behind the scenes mind” that you know is running but don’t always pay attention to. Like a car engine. You know its running but you can’t see everything that it’s doing. Your subconscious mind holds more power than your conscious mind and it is more difficult to alter or take control of. With saying this, your subconscious mind is the one that ends up controlling your life. It can be on a fast track to nowhere if you don’t tune it up.
There are billions of synapses going off in our mind every second (without us having any control) and these synapses are reacting with billions of other synapses. We need to accept the fact that we have very little control over all of these possible possibilities and interactions. Our brains synapses in totality have potential to all react with each other. Hence MANY possibilities.
This is why I know, understand, and believe that everyone can be different and is different, and it’s natural. (Mental Illness, disliking mushrooms, being gay, liking Jazz etc.; can all be based on chemical interactions within your brain).
Like an engine in a car, your subconscious mind needs to be maintained and kept on track. As you cannot control EVERYTHING that the actual motor (subconscious) is doing, you can however take it a part clean it, fix it, and put it back together so you know its running smoothly. Basically I am trying to say is be conscious of your subconscious thoughts. Confusing? Yes, no?
After you have whipped your brain into shape your subconscious will eventually take over and continue to run such as a car engine under the hood.
You have to be ultra-conscious or “in the now” or “present” to alter or change the path of your subconscious mind. What this means is when you feel present and work on changing things in your life they eventually become “habit” or part of your subconscious mind. This is why being depressed or thinking negatively can push your subconscious off course. When you think negatively for a long period of time, you train your subconscious mind to continue this route. All of a sudden everything around you sucks, is negative, or flat out doesn't go your way. You are attracting this towards you through your subconscious. This is what I believe "The Secret' was trying to teach people; but failed to describe in full.
Although it’s a pretty standard concept that "thoughts become things" it’s more than just thinking about something. It’s based on your conscious mind working together with physical actions to create your subconscious pattern. This is what I believe the secret missed.
There is nothing more mentally liberating then thinking about doing something and then just doing it. Just decide to do something. Anything. Big, small, ANYTHING. And do it. Example: Making conversation with more people a day (elevator, grocery store etc), complimenting people when you think “wow that jacket is great”, quitting smoking, organizing, cleaning, etc. Then grow bigger and bigger.
You can control your mind. It listens to you, but has to get into a repetition or a habitual state. Once you have trained it enough consciously, it will transfer into your more powerful subconscious mind that guides you towards your goals. Think of the motor, as long as it’s running smoothly you are going to get where you want to go.
The reigns and controls to grasp this theory are right in front of you, and I know you can feel them as well as see them. Try grabbing it, try consciously controlling your brain collectively with physical actions and see what happens.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Stigma of a UFO
The truth is out there. No not in space or on another alien planet…but right here on our very own. The ignorant disregards, the skeptic questions, and the intelligent accept.
When you say UFO the first thing people will think about is an alien aircraft or some story about a crazy Texan with a heavy accent explaining that he “done saw somtin he can’t explain.” The media and governments of the world have brainwashed us to disregard these stories as “crazy people” or liberal propaganda. How many times have you seen Alien abduction stories or alien spacecraft on the front of the National Inquirer? (One of the most famous magazines that write fictitious stories). The government has done a mighty fine job at dissolving peoples experiences. It’s been so run down that if someone does see a UFO I guarantee they only tell select people or nobody. If they do tell someone they are rubbed off as a crazy person who doesn’t accept the social truths that have been provided to us. The social control around UFO sightings has been successful. But why?
There is a stigma around saying you have seen a UFO… but remember people it’s only an unidentified flying object; nothing more nothing less. If you saw a model of a plane you have never seen before, and aren’t aware of its existence flying through the air…it’s a UFO. If you see lights in the sky that don’t resemble a plane or satellite it’s a UFO. If something flies onto a military’s radar that they don’t recognize it’s a UFO.
As I am a fond believer in Protagoras’s philosophies of “everything is possible” based on the idea that man is the measure of all things. Basically what’s right for someone can be wrong for another. One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. One man’s UFO sighting is another man’s ignorance.
I would like you to consider the fact that flying saucers have already been developed in our world. Prior to World War II the Nazi regime and other German intelligence agencies had successfully created flying saucers and other aircrafts that were far ahead of technology at that time. There are documents that support this fact and many scientists that are still alive that were part of this undercover plan.
Also consider the fact that when America got hint of this; it became an escalating factor leading up to World War II due to the fact that America wanted it for themselves. So what did they do? They kidnapped a majority of the scientist and technology and continued to attack Germany. The World Wars have so many levels of truth and reason (to be elaborated on later). Thus, this being one of them.
It’s been documented that aircrafts were created that could hover, fly vertical and horizontal, and reach supersonic speeds of 3000 miles per hour. Imagine what almost 100 years of additional technology has done to these super crafts.
So consider the “flying saucers” or UFO’s that people have seen, and consider that quite possibly it was an aircraft from our very own Government and nothing more.
Consider that these crafts are not urban legends and have historical proof that they have existed here for over 100 years.
Now question that if these UFO’s are actually our own domestic product…why does the media and government disregard them or make them to look like elaborate hoaxes? Why when these crafts are seen the governments public response is “We are looking into the matter” or it’s "still under investigation”. Wouldn’t it be easier to come out of the closet with it?
Consider the fact that it may not be our crafts. Consider the agenda behind Area 51. That till this day nobody knows what it’s used for or preparing us for.
Consider that UFO sightings are on an increase and more publicly documented.
Consider that the governments of the world are preparing for the “day of full disclosure” where they will be making all their UFO documentations public record in the year 2012.
If you haven’t guessed it, I have seen a UFO.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The iPhone...but dont phone me detachment
***Don’t hate me because I am going against the all holy iPhone. Pity me because I see the phone differently than the majority. This goes for most smartphones but the iPhone is the best example.
With the IPhone you are instantly connected to everything that is happening around you and the events happening in the world. News, breaking news, celebrity drama and 1000’s of applications all at your fingertips. Throw in the fact that you are instantly connected to your friends and family and the rest of the world VIA Facebook.
You get real time updates on everyone’s lives and the things that happen in them. Instantly you are connected to the world. I know it is minuscule to most people; but I just find it interesting that we used to know nothing about the things that have happened in the world or in other people’s lives until we actually spoke to them, read the newspaper, or heard/watched the News.
Now you hear about baby births, engagements, job promotions, and anything else in a person’s personal life instantly and without even speaking to them. This has very bluntly and rapidly removed a large part of our social interaction. Agreed?
You are instantly connected to these world events and the people closest in your life and can research anything you can think of at any given second. This amount of information and technology has never been as readily available as it is at this point in society. What wouldn’t make people addicted to this piece of technology? To me it sounds like an inevitable combination for addiction. Instant satisfaction mixed with complete power and control. The power and ability to research anything you want; connect to anything you want, the control to do it whenever you want.
Have you ever walked passed someone talking on their iPhone with the “hands free” system. Headphones in and they are talking to nothing. I remember when talking to yourself in public was a sign of craziness. “Stay clear of those people!” I always thought. Perhaps I still should.
Two normal people out for dinner together sitting at a table; they are both on their iPhone, or one of them is. What on earth would they do if they didn’t have their iPhones? Fully interact? Blasphemy.
Try having a conversation with someone who has an iPhone. You understand that if they get a text they will instantly check it; you know they are going to be constantly looking at it, and at some point you know they are going to be on it instead of interacting with you. They are transfixed into this piece of technology. It is a certain type of personality. This personality trait is the fact that they would rather play, check, or use their phone instead of fully interacting with you. A victim of modern society if you will.
It has surgically removed a large amount of social interaction and we have turned a blind eye to this fact. Everyone already feels a disconnect from the world, and the iPhone I feel has not helped. But isn’t technology supposed to bring people closer together?
We’ve gone from walking down the street to speak to our neighbours, to calling them on the phone, to emailing them, to texting them, to Facebook messaging them; to finally being together with the person...only to have them on their iPhone instead of interacting with you.
Further and further away.
Angry Birds anyone?
I find it scary, that in a world of Government agencies collecting information about us constantly; we feel comfortable with a piece of technology that not only holds all our emails, texts, banking information, personal information and Social Media information; it has GPS and a screen that can scan your fingerprint.
What’s the best way to not only know everything about someone but know where they are? Get an iPhone.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Coca Cola
***I am going to focus on Coca Cola because it is the most popular. But this goes for all carbonated soda drinks***
Carbonated soft drinks have dominated the junk food world. We all understand, agree, and know that pop is bad for us. Its common knowledge that 90% of the ingredients in soda are artificial and genetically modified. Then add the sugar factor and it is literally liquid poison.
(I wont even get into the irony that when Coca Cola was first established, one of the ingredients was cocaine)
So how do we make a society addicted to this corporate poison? Caffeine and an almost instant sugar rush is how. But how do you get a society to drink this poison without them noticing just how bad it is? Carbon dioxide.
Next time you drink a Coke or a soda, actually feel what it feels like. The carbon dioxide and bubbles numb your mouth and your throat so that you can swallow the pop. It numbs your throat so that you can swallow this liquid poison.
After all, when pop goes "flat" it tastes horrible and is liquid sugar syrup.
Nobody says "I love flat soda!"
And, don't even get me started on how much water we use to manufacturer this poison.
I digress.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
NSA-National Security Agency or Not Safe Anymore?
***This is a compilation of many things and is a bit lengthy. Try to get through it with an open mind until the very end. Then you can make your decision. I dont necessarily believe anything.
Illuminati: Society created in 1776. "Power behind the throne", or the "hidden hand" allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order (most recognized symbol is an over seeing eye on top of a pyramid; or the "a-ok" gesture over the eye. Means somebody's got their eye on you)
New World Order: or NWO refers to the emergence of a bureaucratic collectivist one-world government.
(this is on the American dollar bill. In latin it says "New World Order"
CSIS: Canadian Secret Intelligence Service building. In the shape of a triangle.
Washington State Capital Building in Washington, DC (coined as where the "magic happens"
The SIS or 'Secret Intelligence Service', MI6, is Britain's foreign military intelligence division. (notice the eye on top of the triangle)
The Information Awareness Office. A division of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and FBI, CIA, NSA. "Knowledge is Power" in Latin.
Whether you are a conspiracy theorists or not, everybody can admit to the fact that we are being monitored and watched by government agencies. Whenever you bring up “Big Brother” with people they get very defensive and think you are a wack job. I am sorry everybody, this is a basic known fact, if you cannot accept that then I feel lost for you. The word “Big Brother” has meaning. Remember the TV shows called Big Brother? Young attractive people living a home where their every move, their every action, their every sentence was recorded and monitored. The symbolism for it can be found in popular culture.
With this being said I do not believe we are necessarily being videotaped in our homes etc. I am using the TV show to show perspective on “Big Brothers” actions and the terminology. I believe that everything we do technology based (TV, internet usage, telephone calls, texts, credit cards, debit cards, passports, or anything that is traceable by scanning or swiping) is being documented and stored. This doesn’t mean that they have some employee at a Secret Intelligence Service assigned specially to you and watches every little thing that you do. But the information gathered from the majority as a whole is stored and analyzed. How else do they know how to market to you or keep you under control? We can be kept under control when they know everything we are talking about or communicating about.
Government agencies such as CSIS (Canadian Secret Intelligence Service), the NSA (National Security Agency), M16 (British Secret Intelligence Service) and others around the world…publicly announce and document the fact that they monitor all communications (domestic and foreign) and store it in super computers. This is not something that they hide from the world. They want to control the world’s communications and keep tabs on it all. They blatantly state this all over their website. They want to control and monitor the world as a whole. Sound like the Illuminati and the New World Order to you?
These are companies and government agencies that run like other corporate companies. I am going to focus on the NSA for this discussion.
The NSA even have a nice and fluffy mission statement on their website (like an average company would). They pride themselves on the fact that they monitor the world and are working towards being a global communication collecting super power.
-IN THE MEDIA-According to the Washington Post, “every day, collection systems at the National Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types of communications. The NSA sorts a fraction of those into 70 separate databases."
-NSA’S MISSION STATEMENT-“Collect (including through clandestine means), process, analyze, produce, and disseminate signals intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions”. In laymen’s terms…they will collect and analyze anything they can intercept even if they have to do it secretly.
-Definition of clandestine
1. Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
2. (freemasonry, of a person or lodge) Not recognized as a regular member.
NSA PLAN: (according to their website): Dominate global cryptology; Secure national security systems; Connect people, sensors, systems, and information on a global scale.
Definition of Cryptology
1. The practice of analysing encoded messages, in order to decode them (such as credit card numbers and blocked communication).
2. Science concerned with data communication and storage in secure and usually secret form.
Spell out Illuminati backwards. Itanimulli
Now go to
I digress.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The thin Red line
There is a line dividing, accepted truths about the realities of life and the things that happen around us, from paranoia about the realities of life and the things happening around you.
What makes me paranoid or scared is how thin that line actually is.
Example: "Something" is in control of the events that happen around us to play out some cosmic plan, to, "Nothing" is in control of the events that happen around us and all is randomly playing out.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Classified Information
I have always felt that the classified section of the newspaper was the most private way to publicly advertise something. There are no photos, no trail, and as much or as little information you would like to advertise. I understand that this part of the newspaper is used for lost puppies and for people trying to sell their old desk, but of course I am looking at it a bit deeper.
The word itself, “Classified”, generally means private, closely concealed, or not for the public to see. That’s interesting to me because we reserve this part of the newspaper to advertise things such as AA meetings, Escort services, Penis enlargement ads, fantasy fulfillment services, help groups, and other things that society likes to hide under the carpet.
I had a thought when I saw an AD in the classifieds about a lost wedding ring…
A cheater, known as the “guy in a great marriage”, has been unfaithful to his wife for over a year now. He has been seeing another woman on weekends and business trips.
His wife, unknowing and unsuspecting, loves her husband dearly. In her eyes they have the perfect marriage. The mistress finds out that the man is married and rebels. She swipes his wedding ring for revenge.
Loving wife is devastated for her husband when he tells her that he has lost his wedding ring. Loving and caring wife puts an AD in the classifieds that reads “LOST WEDDING RING $500 REWARD”.
Cheating man is mortified that his most private and intimate secret is splashed all over the newspaper for all to see. Thousands will see the lost wedding ring ad and disregard. To him it feels like his worst nightmare exposed for all to see.
A few days later the wife follows up in the classified section and is excited and is shocked by the response she sees. “FOUND WEDDING RING.... REWARD: KNOWING YOUR HUSBAND IS A CHEATING BASTARD”.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The iPod Pod
**I believe we have let ourselves; or have evolved ourselves into letting us ignore the world and reduce social interaction in a variety of ways. This will talk about your iPod. We ignore people by secluding ourselves into our iPods and the music it holds. This is most relevant when you are walking around town, on transit, or in the general public. Not when you are jamming with it in your bed.
I feel there is a social gap or an empty space between you and your fellow people. We walk past strangers on the street, we share elevators with them, we buy groceries together; technically we share many things together. Yet everything still feels so disconnected.
Perhaps we feel this disconnect from the rest of society at times, because of your iPod. I don’t think that the iPod is some evil device that was created to disconnect the world. I know it’s just a music player and it plays music and it’s great. But, it has also surgically replaced those awkward silences that used to force us to interact.
I believe there was a time when you had to fill awkward silences on elevators and transit or standing in line at the grocery store by talking or interacting with the people you shared it with.
Now, sharing an elevator (or any other public interaction) with someone and your iPod is in (or they have their iPod in) has become a socially acceptable way to ignore them. The iPod creates an invisible barrier around us when we are out in public. “I am listening to my music; therefore I do not have to speak to anyone…but not only that…people won’t come up to me and talk to me”. When you have your headphones in you create an invisible bubble around you. You have created your invisible shield, your invisible safe place. Final result is your pod. The iPod.
Even sometimes we hear people talking to us, asking us a question, or a homeless man asks for change; but since you have your iPod in, you assume if you ignore them it will be socially acceptable to do so and it is.
Now, throw in the fact that you can change and control what type of music you are listening to, and therefore adjust, change, and control the mood you want to be in…we have an unbreakable force of a technology induced social buffer. The Pod.
PS: Have you ever had a conversation with someone who (did have their iPod in when you approached them) and they leave 1 in their ear? Thank you.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lady Gaga-Capital H I M
(**This does not reflect the personal opinion of myself but only of what I have read or heard and am expanding on) I recommend listening to the first 10 seconds of the song before reading.
I have heard that Lady Gaga is part of the proverbial "Illuminati". I have heard this numerous times and from friends as well. Whether you know what this secret society is or not, it is worth throwing my 2 cents in.
Lady Gaga's new song has hit the radio and the web. I am a little perplexed by it in a few ways. If you believe in subliminal messages or any sort of conspiracies about the Illuminati... (I am not sure what I feel about this)I felt it strange that the first time I heard this song I thought of Capitalism. (Capital-H-I-M).
Cover it with a positive message that a large audience will not only love but appreciate and listen to on repeat, over and over again.
Other than that, I think its a great message and a great song.
Good job Illuminati.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gone to the Dogs
You can tell a lot about someones demeanor (whether they know it or not) based on how they interact with their pets or animals in general.
The epitome of how gentle, cruel, or uncomfortable someone has potential to be.
"Must love dogs".
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Luck is not a Lady
Luck is something that we like to use to describe random acts of life interactions and the events that happen around us. If you think about how many things and events are simultaneously happening…all the time…every second…everywhere; then add in the fact that space is even bigger and everlasting; there is a lot of stuff happening all at once all the time.
We (humans) are microscopic in the enormous picture and grand scheme of things…and yet we like to think we are important or have some part of cosmic influence on it all. That is why when something great happens to us, we audaciously think we have “good luck”. In retrospect; when something bad happens we contently conclude that we all of a sudden have bad luck. “I must have bad luck”. We use this terminology to help us grasp the fact that we have absolutely no say or influence on the events that happen around us. It makes more sense for us to call it luck, other than; “what is going on!” or the fact we have no idea why everything is going on. This is expanded further and then described as the random act of fate. All of these, random acts of randomness luck, are compiled into fate. I find it scary that we have to use words like fate and luck to describe or define the most random acts or parts of our lives (which is everything).
That’s how little control and little knowledge we have on the things happening around us.
This “lack of explanation” and feelings of eeriness about the unknown, are very scary and can be overwhelming. I feel that the realization or acceptance of being totally present with yourself and where you are (physically and mentally) is the only grounding thought. Amidst all the chaos of things happening without your control, if you just stop and think to yourself, I am here, I am now and take a look around at everyone and everything and how fast everything is moving past is quite easy to see you have no say or influence in the majority of the world around you. If you can recognize this I believe you can start focusing on more internal things. Realize that there is so much going on with everything all around, so many things you can’t control (I.E Bus driving down the road, wars, poverty, etc) you have control over your head and yourself. Be present, and be here, and control what is within your own mental capacity.
Some people will focus directly on themselves, things they want to accomplish, or people they want to meet.
You are walking to work you are having the best day ever. Good hair day, nice outfit, heading for coffee with a friend after work. Tomorrow you are going out for dinner with your parents (it’s been a while since you've seen them). Tonight you think are going to relax at home and have a night in. You have a lot of laundry to do as well as some dishes you left in the sink. Tomorrow you work at 7 am so need to have an early night. On the Friday you have a date with someone you have been wanting to see for a really long time Smack! You just got hit by a bus.
How did that happen? What just happened? You had it all set up according to your plan. You weren't thinking about dying, you had everything set up for your next 24 hours. You had everything all planned out to create your own fate. You got hit by a bus which in turn was your actual fate which you actually had no control over.
An old guy named Bob buys lottery tickets every day for the national weekly lottery. The draw is on every Friday. Lotto GOMAX it’s called. He lives in a small town of 200 people. People in his town call him Lottery Bob. He has lived in the town for most of his life and the town thinks Bob is a nice guy. They don’t know him know him, but they know he is a nice man. He tells everyone that he runs into that he will win the lottery this week. Always fully optimistic. He can feel it in his bones every week. Maybe that’s why he has gotten shorter. He has been working hard his whole life, survived 2 bi pass surgeries, liver cancer, and is a widower. When people ask him why he buys lottery tickets every week, his response is always the same. "It’s my lucky week I can feel it in my bones”. He knows that his positive thinking and his positive thoughts will eventually make him win. After all it is his 75th year of buying the tickets for this lottery. Bob is almost 93 years old. “Thoughts become things!” he says. He believes that’s always been the key to life. He knows he doesn’t have much more time…but what can 75 years of him manifesting do?
That very next Friday he does not win the lottery. So the following week Bob's 76th year of buying the lottery ticket, he decides that he is going to just skip 1 week.
On that Friday he hears on the news that someone won the lottery. Not only did they win the lottery, they bought their winning ticket at the gas station in his local town...down the street from him. Him and his family were just passing through on a road trip and stopped for gas. An impulse purchase made by a dull “regular family guy”. The news interviewer asks the winner how he feels and what is he going to do with the money, etc. He says; that he feels incredibly lucky as he has never bought lottery tickets before and wasn’t much of a gambler. He’s going to buy a big house and retire with his family.
They both laugh and the winner says that he must have good luck, and that luck was on his side.
These are considered random acts of unexplainable possibilities. Neither had any control of each possibility.
We use the words luck or fate to describe what’s happening. That scares me.
We (humans) are microscopic in the enormous picture and grand scheme of things…and yet we like to think we are important or have some part of cosmic influence on it all. That is why when something great happens to us, we audaciously think we have “good luck”. In retrospect; when something bad happens we contently conclude that we all of a sudden have bad luck. “I must have bad luck”. We use this terminology to help us grasp the fact that we have absolutely no say or influence on the events that happen around us. It makes more sense for us to call it luck, other than; “what is going on!” or the fact we have no idea why everything is going on. This is expanded further and then described as the random act of fate. All of these, random acts of randomness luck, are compiled into fate. I find it scary that we have to use words like fate and luck to describe or define the most random acts or parts of our lives (which is everything).
That’s how little control and little knowledge we have on the things happening around us.
This “lack of explanation” and feelings of eeriness about the unknown, are very scary and can be overwhelming. I feel that the realization or acceptance of being totally present with yourself and where you are (physically and mentally) is the only grounding thought. Amidst all the chaos of things happening without your control, if you just stop and think to yourself, I am here, I am now and take a look around at everyone and everything and how fast everything is moving past is quite easy to see you have no say or influence in the majority of the world around you. If you can recognize this I believe you can start focusing on more internal things. Realize that there is so much going on with everything all around, so many things you can’t control (I.E Bus driving down the road, wars, poverty, etc) you have control over your head and yourself. Be present, and be here, and control what is within your own mental capacity.
Some people will focus directly on themselves, things they want to accomplish, or people they want to meet.
You are walking to work you are having the best day ever. Good hair day, nice outfit, heading for coffee with a friend after work. Tomorrow you are going out for dinner with your parents (it’s been a while since you've seen them). Tonight you think are going to relax at home and have a night in. You have a lot of laundry to do as well as some dishes you left in the sink. Tomorrow you work at 7 am so need to have an early night. On the Friday you have a date with someone you have been wanting to see for a really long time Smack! You just got hit by a bus.
How did that happen? What just happened? You had it all set up according to your plan. You weren't thinking about dying, you had everything set up for your next 24 hours. You had everything all planned out to create your own fate. You got hit by a bus which in turn was your actual fate which you actually had no control over.
An old guy named Bob buys lottery tickets every day for the national weekly lottery. The draw is on every Friday. Lotto GOMAX it’s called. He lives in a small town of 200 people. People in his town call him Lottery Bob. He has lived in the town for most of his life and the town thinks Bob is a nice guy. They don’t know him know him, but they know he is a nice man. He tells everyone that he runs into that he will win the lottery this week. Always fully optimistic. He can feel it in his bones every week. Maybe that’s why he has gotten shorter. He has been working hard his whole life, survived 2 bi pass surgeries, liver cancer, and is a widower. When people ask him why he buys lottery tickets every week, his response is always the same. "It’s my lucky week I can feel it in my bones”. He knows that his positive thinking and his positive thoughts will eventually make him win. After all it is his 75th year of buying the tickets for this lottery. Bob is almost 93 years old. “Thoughts become things!” he says. He believes that’s always been the key to life. He knows he doesn’t have much more time…but what can 75 years of him manifesting do?
That very next Friday he does not win the lottery. So the following week Bob's 76th year of buying the lottery ticket, he decides that he is going to just skip 1 week.
On that Friday he hears on the news that someone won the lottery. Not only did they win the lottery, they bought their winning ticket at the gas station in his local town...down the street from him. Him and his family were just passing through on a road trip and stopped for gas. An impulse purchase made by a dull “regular family guy”. The news interviewer asks the winner how he feels and what is he going to do with the money, etc. He says; that he feels incredibly lucky as he has never bought lottery tickets before and wasn’t much of a gambler. He’s going to buy a big house and retire with his family.
They both laugh and the winner says that he must have good luck, and that luck was on his side.
These are considered random acts of unexplainable possibilities. Neither had any control of each possibility.
We use the words luck or fate to describe what’s happening. That scares me.
Monday, January 31, 2011
I'll see you Tomorrow
Its amazing how naive and truly clueless we have all become. The fact that we say things like "See you tomorrow" or "I'll do this tomorrow" is quite whimsical itself.
Not necessarily because procrastination is humorous, but that we assume that we, or they, or you will be around the next day. I use these phrases all the time and it has become part of our social life. I am not saying to live in fear of your life everyday or those you love. I am saying that everyone needs to feel present here and now.
A friend of mine passed away early last year. Without reason, without warning. I spoke to him on Facebook around 4:45pm. He said he had to go buy groceries around 5 so he signed off. He was dead at 5:15pm.
I was dumbfounded that within 30 minutes he could lose his life. It petrifies me to think that he had no idea as well. Speaking to someone or being around someone who is that close to death really puts an interesting perspective on things.
That is if you choose to take from it what I have.
Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a mystery,Today is a gift.
Be here now.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The sky is falling!

Remember all those birds that died? You may or may not, but I do.I remember how fast it came into the news (albeit minimally) and then most importantly how fast it disappeared out of the news.
The sky is falling! No wait, just the animals in the sky are falling. (Remember how scared that made us; I think this is more scary)
Beginning of the year (started January 1st) hundreds of birds died in Arkansas, USA. Weird right? Then days later more birds, and more birds and in different countries...around the world were dying. Mass amounts of birds dying and falling out of the sky. Instantly in large groups. Then mass amounts of fish and sea life were dying and washing up on shores; again all around the world. All within a short lived time frame. This information did not reach the majority of the world's news or population.
But Britney Spears has a new single right? (everybody seems to know that).
In North America...after scientists and "whoever" concluded that the birds in Arkansas died from a pesticide, it was laid to rest and concluded.
I am sitting here like..okay...and what about the rest of the birds all around the world? What happened to the fish and crabs? I do not believe this is a conspiracy or apocalyptic; but feel like somethings gotta give here. Things are changing, and things are happening right in front of our eyes and everyone is so disconnected from it.
Some people are saying its because of the oil spill.
Lets say it is the oil spill in the southern states that happened in summer 2010. It obviously has effected a LARGE part of our world and existence without us even being aware of the consequences from it. I don't remember scientist telling us to watch out for falling birds out of the sky. Actually forget it, because most people have forgotten about the oil spill!
I guarantee if you were walking down the street and a beautiful flock of hundreds of birds flew over you and they all simultaneously died and fell to the'd get it.
Now go back to your IPHONE.
Yahoo Question

Someone asked me one day; what do you think "I not only have a body; I am this body." words of French Philosopher Gabriel Marcel meant?
I said I would assume this is just his realization of being present.
Acknowledging your presence. You are here, you are now. You are not just existing in your head (which can be quite consuming), you are are existing in the world.
Now go back to your IPHONE.
The Walking Gorilla
So there is this Gorilla named Ambam. He is a silver back gorilla that likes to walk...on his 2 hind legs. I am sure some people have caught wind of it on the internet or word of mouth. Although the video about it only has 250,000 views... Britney Spears has millions. I digress.
Everyone that I know (who actually knows about this; which is not that many, which is scary) seem to think its just "cool". No one has really discussed it or commented on in the way I am thinking about it.
I am like "HOLY SHIT"...A walking gorilla. A walking Ape. We were always told that gorillas used all 4 legs to move did we not? When have you ever heard of or seen a walking gorilla?
Here it is...walking. The Zoo Keeper says he has been doing it most of his life, while others are saying he is just trying to mimic a human.
Both are equally mind blowing and make me a little frantic.
Evolution, change, and adaptation is happening right before our eyes. Right Now.
This is not a "Planet of the Apes" nightmare that I am referencing directly, but the fact that these animals are changing. They are the closest thing to a human and now have learned to walk.
I am not saying that this is apocalyptic either (or conspiracy based). I am sure some people will assume I am freaking out assuming it must have a catastrophic meaning. Not true at all.I am purely more obsessed with it because most of society cant see into it or is not present for the "wow" moment of it. It is completely irrelevant to the majority of the population.
You cannot tell me that you do not see change happening in the world quickly and a very accelerated rate. Whether its in the world, or just your life. (I could go into a long discussion about society but that's for later)
"All gorillas can do it to some extent but we haven't got any who do it like Ambam and he is quite a celebrity at the park."
What are humans next step? We've learned how to walk, talk, and create things. Animals are evolving, clearly our next step is to expand into the mental and cerebral. Fight the disconnect.
Now go back to your IPHONES.
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