So there is this Gorilla named Ambam. He is a silver back gorilla that likes to walk...on his 2 hind legs. I am sure some people have caught wind of it on the internet or word of mouth. Although the video about it only has 250,000 views... Britney Spears has millions. I digress.
Everyone that I know (who actually knows about this; which is not that many, which is scary) seem to think its just "cool". No one has really discussed it or commented on in the way I am thinking about it.
I am like "HOLY SHIT"...A walking gorilla. A walking Ape. We were always told that gorillas used all 4 legs to move did we not? When have you ever heard of or seen a walking gorilla?
Here it is...walking. The Zoo Keeper says he has been doing it most of his life, while others are saying he is just trying to mimic a human.
Both are equally mind blowing and make me a little frantic.
Evolution, change, and adaptation is happening right before our eyes. Right Now.
This is not a "Planet of the Apes" nightmare that I am referencing directly, but the fact that these animals are changing. They are the closest thing to a human and now have learned to walk.
I am not saying that this is apocalyptic either (or conspiracy based). I am sure some people will assume I am freaking out assuming it must have a catastrophic meaning. Not true at all.I am purely more obsessed with it because most of society cant see into it or is not present for the "wow" moment of it. It is completely irrelevant to the majority of the population.
You cannot tell me that you do not see change happening in the world quickly and a very accelerated rate. Whether its in the world, or just your life. (I could go into a long discussion about society but that's for later)
"All gorillas can do it to some extent but we haven't got any who do it like Ambam and he is quite a celebrity at the park."
What are humans next step? We've learned how to walk, talk, and create things. Animals are evolving, clearly our next step is to expand into the mental and cerebral. Fight the disconnect.
Now go back to your IPHONES.