Remember all those birds that died? You may or may not, but I do.I remember how fast it came into the news (albeit minimally) and then most importantly how fast it disappeared out of the news.
The sky is falling! No wait, just the animals in the sky are falling. (Remember how scared that made us; I think this is more scary)
Beginning of the year (started January 1st) hundreds of birds died in Arkansas, USA. Weird right? Then days later more birds, and more birds and in different countries...around the world were dying. Mass amounts of birds dying and falling out of the sky. Instantly in large groups. Then mass amounts of fish and sea life were dying and washing up on shores; again all around the world. All within a short lived time frame. This information did not reach the majority of the world's news or population.
But Britney Spears has a new single right? (everybody seems to know that).
In North America...after scientists and "whoever" concluded that the birds in Arkansas died from a pesticide, it was laid to rest and concluded.
I am sitting here like..okay...and what about the rest of the birds all around the world? What happened to the fish and crabs? I do not believe this is a conspiracy or apocalyptic; but feel like somethings gotta give here. Things are changing, and things are happening right in front of our eyes and everyone is so disconnected from it.
Some people are saying its because of the oil spill.
Lets say it is the oil spill in the southern states that happened in summer 2010. It obviously has effected a LARGE part of our world and existence without us even being aware of the consequences from it. I don't remember scientist telling us to watch out for falling birds out of the sky. Actually forget it, because most people have forgotten about the oil spill!
I guarantee if you were walking down the street and a beautiful flock of hundreds of birds flew over you and they all simultaneously died and fell to the ground...you'd get it.
Now go back to your IPHONE.
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